You probably think this blog is about you.

UPDATE: I was convicted in my heart a few days ago when I realized I was lacking compassion for the young woman I write about in this post. How can I, Roshunda expect anything to change if I'm judging her? This truly broke my heart because it's true. Love, compassion, grace, and kindness are not for the weak but the strong. As much as I hope for her, God loves her deeply and is moving on her behalf. My prayer for her is not the same. My heart now is to see her blessed. It was the kindness and mercy of believers when I lived in New York City that drew me to Christ. Love won my heart and I have never been the same. I expect nothing less for her.

40 Days of Fasting, Day 5. These past 5 days have been A-MAZ-ING!!
My prayer for today is for the hopeless. Those who feel backed into a corner, with no way out.  Those who are feeling desperate and that they have no choice but to settle. I want to tell you that is a lie. There is hope. There is a way out. You are loved. How can you know how loved you are if you're not spending time with the ONE who loves you most? Readers of this blog, I may not know all of your names, but I want you to know I am praying and fasting for you.

No one is hopeless, but I will be honest and tell you that sometimes I don't always know how to properly respond to the pain in others. For example, I know a young woman who is funny and charming, yet always looking for validation. Whenever I am complimenting someone, she will  turn to me and say, "why don’t you ever say anything like that to me?” When she says that, I feel her pain. She feels forgotten and overlooked. I don't always know how to respond so I just change the subject.

Here is the dilemma: How do you encourage someone who openly flirts with married men? How do encourage someone who has lied to me and told me more than once that a certain guy was interested in them? I'm honestly asking, how?

When I look at this young woman I see someone who is smart and funny. She is strong and knowledgeable about a lot of things. And yet... I cannot believe a word that comes out of her mouth.

How do I know, she’s lying?  Great question. The guys have told me . They make fun of her when she’s not around. They mock her looks and call her names. Openly and often. I’ve spoken to each of these men about their language concerning her. I’ve asked them to be respectful when speaking of her when they are in my presence. But the damage has been done in more ways that one. The girlfriends she confides in laugh at her. Her secrets and lies have been exposed by those that she trusted and she doesn't even know it.

Where do I begin to encourage someone whose stories are so twisted and fantastical, that I don’t know where the lie ends and the truth begins?

Prayer. I am praying and fasting for the next 40 days for breakthroughs. Not just for myself. But for my sisters who don’t know the truth about themselves. They are not ugly, run through, or disgusting.
Such words don’t describe this woman that I know. She is dynamic and beautiful and there is an incredible purpose for her life. I am believing for chains to be broken over her life! I am believing that she will know that she is not forgotten, overlooked or unloved. She will be filled with the Holy Spirit and her life will never be the same! Great things are in store for her and every  evil and wicked scheme that shall attempt to come against her  shall be cancelled in the mighty name of Jesus. She will be healed. The walls of her heart will be repaired. Goodness will be proclaimed from her mouth. Where she has only known defeat, she will be victorious. I declare it publicly that she will found and no longer lost. Forgiven and not ashamed. Redemption and restoration and reconnection with the King of Kings is her portion in Jesus name, AMEN.


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