
Being single in your twenties is understandable, at times even recommended. Yes,go to school your family says. Get your career started,your friends cheer,you have all the time in the world. If you fast forward a few years and are still single in your thirties, you will notice the tone of the conversation has changed. Around age 32, the encouraging words from loved ones are replaced with questions and suspicions.
 So, what's going on in your love life? 
Nothing!?  Surely there must be some single men at work, church or the gym. 
Have you tried the grocery store?  Why not? 
Are you telling me you haven't met anybody? 
 Why are you always so picky?

 Married friends who give unsolicited advice about marriage are not much help. In the past year, I have been told that I am too opinionated, too uneducated, too spiritual, that I need to pray more, my time has not come, I may have missed him, I need to exercise, don't exercise too much because he will love me as I am, Smile,you smile too much. Basically, there is a formula and once you figure it out, presto-chango you're married!
They never say it exactly like that, and yet what I hear is: No one can love me as me. This is a lie. Married people, beware  and consider what you say to single people because your words have weight and you may inadvertently hurt someone you care about. I believe that with  marriage comes wisdom and an ability to see things in a deeper perspective, but this does not make you omniscient.

A few years ago, I went to a gathering a friends house. There seated across from me was a handsome man in his early forties. Outwardly, he appeared intelligent and responsible, until he spoke.Within 5 minutes of our introduction, I learned that he was bankrupt, had been arrested at his former church during the service, and was recently divorced. He became emotional when he spoke of not being able to visit his children because the chain on his bike had broken and he had no other means of transportation. As the evening slowly progressed and the story of his life continued with more plot twists and revelations, I was ready to get out of there. Before I left, a dear friend  pulled me aside to inquire whether or not I would be interested in him. Him? I literally gasped! I believe this may be the most offensive thing anyone has ever said to me. I was offended by the notion of marrying him, but I was more offended because she would never recommend him for her 25 year old daughter. Why not? Because, in her mind a 25 year old woman still has options.

This is why it is so important to know who I am in Christ. He has protected me and kept me out of a lot of drama and away from more than a few idiots that have tried to sweet talk me. It is important to know that I will always have options, and I don't have to settle. I am not forgotten and I haven't been overlooked. It is important to know that there is a plan for my life and that even my loneliest moment, I am not alone. Grasping these truths and allowing the power of God to transform my life has been my anchor for nearly 9 years. The number two thing I pray for is always a husband. My number one prayer, is that I would yield my life-hopes-passions-fears-future-and all that I am into His hand, and leave it there. 

I have lived in New York City and Colombia, I traveled alone to Paris and hiked mountains in Guatemala. I love adventures, tasty food and a good laugh. I don't need to be rescued from my life, I need a partner.


  1. Very well said. We need to be real with one another and stop giving each other false hope. As we spend more and more Valentine's Days, birthdays, and other holidays alone, we begin to realize that maybe we missed something along the way...or better yet, somebody is missing something, i.e. ME!


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