The Courage to Walk Away

40 Days of Prayer and Fasting, Day 31

A few days ago, I posted on my social media platforms that I had interviewed, received, and promptly turned down a full time writing job. And boy oh boy did my DM's blow up!!

"Why, girl, why?" or "Isn't this what you have been working for and wanting?" also "Isn't this one of your  why' in why you're fasting 40 days for a breakthrough?" and "Deetz plz!"

Well, here it goes. I have a full time job. I really like the people I work with and there is no pressure to leave. My reason for wanting to move on from this job is because I am seeking a fulltime job as a writer.  A few weeks ago, I uploaded my professionally re-written and edited resume and applied to various companies in Houston. Several replied back and requested I do an assessment. Assessments were done and a few of those companies then reached out and requested that I do a video interview. Scheduled and prepared, I awaited my interviews. One of the things I am looking for in my new position, along with higher pay and great benefits are purpose. I'm not looking just for another job. Jobs are easy to come by. I want to be where I supposed to be.When I applied, I applied all over the place. Some places where close by, some were unpaid internships, some wanted me to be open to relocate. In pure excitement and jubilee over my newly polished resume and of course against my better judgment, I applied to every job with the title, "Writer". Once they all started to reply back and request interviews, I realized how unrealistic I had been. My bills and I need a full time income and any spare time I have is already dedicated to starting my business. If I'm gonna be working for free, it will be for me and I consider that an investment in my future.

One company in particular was very interested. After I received my initial email from their HR to schedule an interview, I had a weird feeling. It was like dread. Looking back, my body was reacting to what I was not yet ready to admit. Just because a company thinks that you would be a perfect fit for them, doesn't mean that they are a perfect fit for you. This is not to speak ill of them, because they were nothing but lovely to me. The truth is I don't believe in the product the company sells. One of my jobs at the company would be assisting in marketing and let me tell you, if you don't believe in the product of the company you work for...that's a problem! You can only fake the funk for so long before you quit out of frustration or get fired for under performing.

I write all this so say, it is so important to know your purpose because a person, ministry, or company may think they know what's best for you and you must stay focused. It is good to be open minded, but its also good to know what your long term goals are. There is no point in me taking a job that I know I'm going to quit anyway in few months. One of my goals is to work full-time for myself in the next few years. Therefore I have no need to build a resume to grow in someone else's business. If I cant feel inspired, encouraged, motivated, or pleasantly challenged in this new position then it isn't for me. And if it isn't for me, I have no problem  letting it go and letting someone else have it. Why should I be forcing something to work when I know this is not a good match! Why? For a job? Remember, I have a job. When I leave my current position, it will be because of purpose not desperation.

I really just want to encourage you all to go forward in what God has called you to do. These are lots of distractions along the way, lots of voices trying to get your attention but stay focused on what it is that you want. Don't look left and right but keep looking straight ahead to the One who first called you.


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