The Beauty of His Timing
We all know that I'm single but sometimes I feel a little too single. What does that mean you ask? It means that I don't ever have to share my food and I like love that. For example, that super crispy oven fried chicken I made the other night.... yeah that's right, I ate it all. It means I don't look for guys at the grocery store (anymore), I wear makeup and attempt to look cute whenever I leave the house and I've stopped picking myself apart by at least 82% in the last year.**
If I've said it once, I'll say it again in case you don't follow me on Instagram: If you're not excited about your life, then you are doing something wrong. It doesn't mean that you are perfect, but you should be hopeful about the direction you are headed. Also, the kind of excitement I'm referring to goes beyond the cup (or in my case the several cups of coffee) you drink in the morning.
All in all as much as I enjoy being uncumbered by relationship responsibilties and throughly enjoy the single life, I do want to get married and pray about it daily. The difference in today and a year or so ago is not the prayer, but what I do after the prayer. I get up and I literally leave it in God's hands. I do this believing that the prayer I prayed was heard by the Almighty and I believe in the beauty of his timing. He will bring the right one. As the day progresses and my mind is tempted to wander into some fruitless fear aboout remaing fertile eggs or if I happen to see an updated status announcing an engagement, I remind myself that I am not forgotten. I remind myself that I am awesome and super cool (yes, I use those words) and God knows the right guy that will be a great compliment to me. I have noticed that God is answering mega prayers from years past, seemingly impossible prayers He's just answering left and right. Yet this one lingers. Friends and sisters, His Word declares that he will not to withold any good thing from me, and I believe Him. I choose to leave my concerns, fears, hopes, everything in His all powerful hands. It has awarded me the freedom to live my life as a normal person instead of obsessing over someone I haven't met yet.
Marriage is hard. Perhaps it's so hard because it requires more than we have within ourselves. We need a mediator, an advocate to fight on our behalf when things become overwhelming. Perhaps our prayer should be a a prayer of preparation and a commitment to the road before us.
**To get the 82% I took 365 days divided by 5 days a month of womanly time (crying, chocolate, and cat videos) I'm including to 2 days every 6 months for seasonal fatigue and ickyness. Factor in a day for an unexpected wedding invite from an ex and my answer is approx 17.6%.
So real! I like the the formula at the end��