The rest of the story

You are so loved by God. Take your time and remember that no one is perfect. For me, I have struggled with loving through offenses. I want to love and be loving, but I keep getting offended! I would rather spend time with a few people more than anything. The problem is once I don’t want to spend time with you, it’s over. I can’t make myself be interested. Some people are so good at smiling in your face in public when they know others are watching, then speak horribly about you about you behind your back. You know they don't like you... Yet there they are... In your face... Pretending, again. But if I can be honest here, I am no better because I used to do the opposite; I would just ignore them. If I like you, you know it... If I don’t like you, you know it. My disgust is clearly written across my face for all to see. I am not good at hiding it. This struggle  is real and I would be passive, silent or just withdraw from certain people and situations. That was not God's plan for my life.  He does not desire for children to live in fear. I thank him everyday that he has set me free! Please understand that freedom does not equate perfection. That day in Galveston, it was as if my fears were evicted from my heart and mind, but they still come around knocking on the door from time to time. Let me tell you, I'm not letting it back in! I couldn't see the change right away, but I knew I was different. The situations and conditions in my life didn't change overnight, but my attitude did. I didn't realize then but I know now that day an exchange happened. I gave God my fears and he gave me confidence. There are tests and trials but it is worth it because I am becoming someone I would never have become on my own. A warrior. A woman who believes God as he declared in his Word that I am to love everyone, not pick and choose. To rise above my feelings and love. To fight for what belongs to me and let go of every single thing that wants to hold me back. God has given me a prayer that would not exist had I not sought him fully. Freedom is like a plate of ribs at a family barbeque but those who live in fear only get to smell it. 

For so long I thought I was an introvert. Wrong! Once freedom began to reign in my heart and life again, I realized I am an extrovert but with retreatist tendencies.  Do you see how a struggle can distort perspective? I love being with people! I love to make people laugh and tell stories. Pick a topic. I can tell you a story about it. I have literally been there and done that.  Remember as children of God, we each have gifts and talents so choosing not to walk in that love will hinder the gift. Perhaps, you are to encourage someone that has offended you. When you don’t encourage that person, you are holding back a blessing from God for them. God can send encouragement through someone else, but don’t get it twisted. Disobeying God is not something to take lightly. Where he calls us to love, we have to trust that he will give us the strength to do it, purely.  I want to be transformed from the inside/ out. As we are transformed, that power has no choice but to bubble over into the lives of other people. As the love of God daily overwhelms our lives, we are able to love the "unlovable". As hope is renewed, we see that truly no one is "unlovable" because Christ loved and died for all. This is the hope we receive from spending time in his presence.  

What time of the day do you know you have 20 minutes of uninterrupted time? Yes, you can pray anytime and anywhere, but there is power in spending quiet private time with God. I encourage you to find a time everyday to seek him. Don’t focus on the amount of time at first, just go. After a few days, you will look forward to your meeting time with God. That is your devotional time. Be encouraged, because even in your struggles God will give you the power to overcome them all. Look at the big picture,not just a little dot in a corner. 

This blog is dedicated as a testimony of the work God is going in my life. I believe in the power of prayer. I have seen it transform my life and the lives of countless people. I truly hope and pray that you are encouraged to seek God with all your heart, mind, and strength today. I want to share one of my favorite verses, that I have prayed in every prayer for the last 10 years.

Jeremiah 29:13 And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.


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