Who do you think you are?
Faith. So simple and yet so difficult for us to be honest when we are lacking it.The day that I believed my life COULD change...it did.
It was/is greater than just belief in myself. My ability to do anything positive, over an extended period of time is quite limited. But when I put my faith in the One who created me..
Mountains crumbled.
One of the reasons I write, post , and speak so much about purpose is because my life been changed. There is nothing like following the specific, customized and beautiful path that God has set out for you. People can have ideas of what you can do but God knows who you are. What you created to do. How beautiful is that? He is determined to see it through in your life. That is why even after years of pursuing empty and foolishness things, it always comes back to a certain thing that has been in your heart. Listen to that voice. You will not be steered wrong. Don't get it twisted though, this will not be a perfect journey! You will have rough days and scary days, but as you stay faithful on the course that is set out before you, you will truly see the faithfulness of God. He will not and cannot fail you because God is not a failure. He will not and cannot lie to you because God is not a liar.
Be encouraged! your purpose and your calling, is yours.
For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance. - Romans 11:29