To my saved and single sister, part 1
I went on the best date of my life today and it was with Jesus. I had something on my heart and he took me out. I drove and He paid! I went into that restaurant brokenhearted and left out free! I am not questioning my freedom, but I rejoice in it because I know he is taking me somewhere I could never go on my own. As I began writing this, I knew this wasn't just for me but for you too. I have no idea who you are but this post is for us!! I truly hope you are encouraged because our testimony is not that we find love in a hopeless place as the world would have us to believe but in Jesus Christ, the Living Hope.
We wonder why our heart breaks,when we go after something God hasn't put together? We step out, do our own thing and what do we expect? That tension in your chest isn't acid reflux or heartburn. It is the Holy Spirit who lives within you. Do you think he doesn't know whose Facebook profiles you are looking at or who you text when you're bored? We pursue, then begin relationships with men and hope they will become someone God never intended them to be. We work hard trying to make it work. We are busy trying to fashion something out of nothing. We invest emotionally, financially, and physically waiting, hoping for "the life" to happen. For the spark in your eyes to be reciprocated. That isn't a spark in your eye sister, its desperation. In his eyes you see boredom, a lack of interest. If you have never been in this place and you have NO IDEA WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT, please exit this blog and carry on in your perfectly designed glass house.
For the rest of us, we cannot make the spark can come to life. Can't force it. There is no rationalizing with the spark and certainly no point pressuring the spark. Aaaaarrrggghhhh, why is there no spark!?!?!
He is not yours. You are not his. God alone is the Creator. He joins people together. Binds them with the strongest grade of super-natural glue. Not me. Not you. The spark must come from within a man who is ready for a wife. It can't be forced out. Bullied out. Cried out. Negotiated out. When there is a spark in a man's eye for his woman, nothing can quench it. Not acne, Weight gain. A prettier woman. Nothing. It is God who molds people into who they are supposed to be. He sets the flame. We can fan it, but He is the one who lights the match.
Stop fighting for the someone,you were never supposed to fight for: its a losing battle. The longer you stay in it, the more bruised, angry, resentful and bitter you will become. Sister, there is a way out. it ain't over. Not by a long shot. Get up and get out of that dead weight relationship. Get up and get out. GET UP AND GET OUT! There are places you have gone and are on your way to right now that you have no business going. There are people in your life who shouldn't have access to you and should have never have even known your name. Pursuing dead end relationships is a vicious cycle that will leave you perpetually dry and lonely. It is a never-ending, nauseating merry-go-round unless there is an intervention. Well, here it is.
He will never love you as you need to be loved because you are not his. He is not yours. At his best, he is the worst of substitute teachers. We all had substitute teachers in school.They are not the real teacher. You know it. They know it. They would rather be a million other places than where they are but they can't leave. Not yet. So, what do they do? They occupy your time with frivolous games until the clock winds down and they are free. They don't invest in you. They are not concerned with lesson plans and test reviews. Syllabus, what syllabus? They are in it for themselves. You know it. They know it.
Don't let substitute men waste your time, your youth, your emotions, or your body. Are you a born again child of God? You body is not your own. You were bought with a high price.
That is the #relationshipgoals you should be after. Our enemy would want us to focus on all we don't have, but please look at all that you do. One of my all time favorite quotes is by author C.S. Lewis, "There are far, far better things ahead than you leave behind."
Pursue God. Let him dig deep into your heart and tell him the truth. Confess it all to him. Allow him to renew and restore your mind. Stay up late and share your heart with him. Surround yourself with women who live their lives in the light. Sisters who will pray with you. Believe with you. Fight alongside you. If you don't have one, send me a message, I'll call you and we can pray together. As you turn your gaze upon the face of the Almighty, something beautiful is going to happen to you. Fog and confusion will be replaced with clarity. Your calling, your path, your purpose on this Earth will be made crystal clear.When the waves of doubt, loneliness, and frustrations come; hold on tight. You will not drown. Seek his face no matter what. One day, sooner than you think, gratitude will bubble up in your heart and will flow out of you mouth. You will thank God for every door he refused to unlock, every idiot that didn't call back, and for the faithfully jealous protection he has had over your life.
You may not be able to see it now, but believe this, "you are complete in Christ," Colossians 2:10. Walk in your calling, live your life boldly in the light, seek him deeply and then....
A heartfelt and profound description of our desperate need to be fulfilled. Be it a spouse, job, career, health, love or peace whatever. We look in all the wrong places at times..., but really only Christ can satisfy. He promises us that if we seek first His kingdom and righteousness, all these things will be added unto us. Thanks for this elevating reminder to hold on...